If you know me which…let’s face it if you’re reading this you do. Very well. Perhaps too well. Anyway, if you know me you would know that I love korean pop music. Kpop has been in my life for about a year but I’m already consumed. It’s one of my favorite types of music. It’s fun, catchy, interesting and it can also be sort of interactive? The fandom may not be the ideal because as any fandom goes there are those really annoying girls–or people but the majority of fandom on the internet consists of women. Excuse me for stereotyping; I don’t want to come across as a “I’m not an [x] girl, I’m really the spawn of satan” (but I am)–who kind of ruin it for a lot of us. BTW THESE ARE ALL MY OPINIONS. FORM UR OWN OPINIONS.

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A very close friend of mine wrote this (I’m positive everyone reading this knows of her anyway) but it’s incredibly amazing. Does that sound overused? There’s something about the way these words are put together that reminds me of adulthood, adolescence, and the in between. Growing up is a big “and now?”

There’s something interesting about starting new projects. I love many inspiring things but two things immediately come to mind for a release. Fashion and movies. I remember every thing that I’ve wanted to be since I was a kid.

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