a guide, of sorts. something different

If you know me which…let’s face it if you’re reading this you do. Very well. Perhaps too well. Anyway, if you know me you would know that I love korean pop music. Kpop has been in my life for about a year but I’m already consumed. It’s one of my favorite types of music. It’s fun, catchy, interesting and it can also be sort of interactive? The fandom may not be the ideal because as any fandom goes there are those really annoying girls–or people but the majority of fandom on the internet consists of women. Excuse me for stereotyping; I don’t want to come across as a “I’m not an [x] girl, I’m really the spawn of satan” (but I am)–who kind of ruin it for a lot of us. BTW THESE ARE ALL MY OPINIONS. FORM UR OWN OPINIONS.

In the kpop fandom that can mean any number of things. It’s very different than other fandoms in the way that white people do not dominate it. That being said, there can be a lot of casual racism and fetishizing. There can also be a rather terrifying amount of apologism that goes along with the fandom. Unfortunately there is a lot of anti-black, anti-fat, cissexism in the industry. Additionally, like with any profession where one makes it big, one’s identity can sort of be lost in the shuffle with kpop. There are personas that people have to play up and play into.

There’s also a weird kind of dichotomy created especially with girl groups: the cute v. the sexy. The cute panders to this image of a girl who isn’t sexualized but is still in revealing clothing. Cute dancing and facial expressions but also put into belly shirts and heels. It’s an interesting and unsettling method to me. Obviously lines can be blurred and these are not the rules and there are exceptions. It’s just an observation.

This is only my third post on the blog (or fourth counting my reblog of Neha’s lovely writing) but I figured this is my blog and I’ll do what I want. There isn’t one clear direction of this blog and I’ll post art as I see fit. Anyway, if you have ever wanted to understand what I see and why I like the things I do here is an explanation. And I’m starting with kpop that has helped me in so many ways and has made me happy and I have gotten new friends and despite the problems it is a great deal of fun! There are performances all the time, there are variety shows where we can get to know idols more; that’s personalities to know about and songs to learn and love and talent to discover!

It’s inspiring what can come out of korean pop just as much as what can come out of the indie records I listen to or the American pop I love. Anyway, this is a guide to anyone not knowing where to start. Very youtube link heavy (btw youtube is like a goldmine when it comes to kpop links. You can lose hours. It’s quite amazing.)

Tips:  I’m not gonna find ALL the albums for you…a quick google search + zip should easily find albums for you or use bestfiction or this blog; if you need something you can ask me to upload it for you as well! I also don’t list all the videos for every group. Mostly the videos I like. Also, most groups have gone on variety shows so you can ask me about that if you get more into the fandom! A lot shows like Weekly Idol, Sesame Player, Running Man, Strong Heart, etc.. Idk if the links work bc they’re not mind SO KEEP IN MIND

I’ll start with the girls because I prefer girl groups and basically only care about them save two boy groups.

Suzy (maknae, main vocalist), Min (vocalist, main dancer), Jia (lead dancer, rapper), Fei (main vocalist)

Miss A (JYP) – one of the first girl groups I seriously got into. There is no leader in the group which is rare and pretty awesome, I think. Their songs are incredibly well done and solid. Sometimes I feel like it’s hard for people to get hooked on their singles but I think that they’re amazing. On top of that with their last comeback they have grown so much. Suzy, the maknae, who has a lovely voice would get out of breath easily during their debut and some singles after but her voice has actually gotten stronger. They all have very lovely voices and Jia and Min are incredibly gifted dancers. Personality is also really important in kpop and even though they’re all different, they’re all so cute and lovely. I love them so much and watching them grow since Bad Girl Good Girl has made me so happy. There’s SUPPOSED to be a comeback soon which would make me happy. My biases: Jia but basically I love them all so fucking much so OT4.

Bad Girl Good Girl
Goodbye Baby
Love Alone

Bad But Good
Step Up
A Class

Yenny (second main vocalist), Yubin (rapper), Sohee (vocalist), Lim (vocalist, rapper), Sunye (leader, main vocalist)

Wonder Girls (JYP) – another one of my favorite artists under JYP entertainment. I downloaded their album before I was fully into kpop and fell in love. Although I first saw Miss A videos and credit them into me loving kpop, I had Wonder World first so they are also a huge influence. Each girl brings a different talent and a different personality to the group to form an amazing whole. Former members were Sunmi and 4minute’s Hyuna. They recently released the English single Like Money featuring Akon and are doing some promotions in America. Not gonna list all their videos but ones that I consider are the most important. My biases: Yubin and Sohee, but I love all of them so much so OT5.

Tell Me
So Hot
Be My Baby
Like This
Like Money

The Wonder Years
Wonder World
Wonder Party

L to R: Sohyun (vocalist, lead dancer), Jihyun (leader, vocalist, main dancer), Hyuna (main rapper, vocalist), Gayoon (main vocalist), Jiyoon (lead vocalist, lead rapper)

4minute (Cube) – Another one of my all-time favorites. Although they aren’t quite the most successful, they are quite good. When they hit the mark just right they really hit it and leave you wanting to jam for days. Sometimes they do fall flat but I’ve fallen totally in love with their music, aesthetics, and wonderful personalities. People’s negative attitudes towards them help me appreciate them even more because they’re five lovely girls and they have important friendships and I just really love them as a group. There’s something about their particular group that has drawn me in. Biases: Hyuna, Gayoon; OT5.

Heart to Heart
What A Girl Wants
Hot Issue
I My Me Mine
Mirror Mirror
Volume Up
Love Tension

I suggest just downloading the zip I made of my favorite songs; here

Dara (vocalist), CL (leader, rapper), Minzy (maknae, vocalist), Bom (lead vocalist)

2NE1 (YG) – Lauded as a sort-of “hip-hop” group of kpop or the ~bad gurlz~ of kpop since they don’t exactly have a cutesy image and apparently aren’t “pretty” (according to their CEO/a lot of fans) 2NE1 bring a different type of kpop. They have drawn inspiration from reggae and use different beats that aren’t as cutesy, or whatever. I’m not sure how to explain it but their music is a lot different than the others. I’d say give them a try if you’re tired of the good girl images. They are one of my favorite groups but they are just as manufactured as the rest of female groups, don’t be fooled. Just like the rest of my favorite girl groups, they all have lovely personalities imo. My biases: CL, Minzy, and I love Dara. Don’t really care about Bom.

FIRE (Space Ver.)
I Don’t Care
Follow Me
Clap Your Hands
Go Away (Trigger Warning: DV)
Can’t Nobody (Kor Ver.)
I Am The Best
I Love You

To Anyone
2NE1 2nd Mini Album

(bigger) L 2 R: Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Yoona, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri

SNSD (SM) – The biggest kpop girl group hands down. Their image started off as cutesy but has died down over the years with different concepts. What’s amazing to me is that SNSD have immense success but a lot of their songs fall flat. Some of their personalities I haven’t totally meshed with. That being said, I’m actually a really big fan of theirs. If you can’t criticize those who you love…who can you criticize? I feel as if their Japanese debut did a lot better than their Korean efforts could even try. Even though they are incredibly popular, don’t be phased if they’re not your thing. They’re the most popular but they are certainly not the best. My biases: Hyoyeon, Sooyoung.

Run Devil Run
The Boys
Mr. Taxi
Oh! (JPN Ver.)

I’m not finding all the albums for you so:
1st Japanese album

Jea, Narsha, Ga In, Miryo

Brown Eyed Girls (Nega) – More R&Bish. More refined~ kpop??? Idk how do you words about music. They’re a lot racier and sexier than most groups and I love their energy and personalities. I say this about all groups???? I AM SO TIRED AT THIS POINT. But I really love them and their music is fun and nice and stuff and if u feel like u r 2 good 4 kpop then they’re good 2 get in2 bc u would probably classify their music as more “valid” OR WHATEVER MAN. And Abracadabra is seriously one of the best kpop songs I’ve ever heard, probably. Plus they are hot as fuck lawd. Biases: Ga In,  Miryo

Sixth Sense

If you want an album of theirs ask for it. Rec: Sound G. and Sixth Sense 

F(x) (SM) – They’re alright. Kind of neglected by their company. Their new concept/mini was so horribly bad to my eardrums?????? I didn’t understand it maybe I’m not hip enough. Bias: Amber and Sulli and Luna sometimes

Videos that matter 2 me:
Nu Abo
La Cha Ta
Chocolate Love
Hot Summer

If you find out that you want an album just ask but I won’t even bother with that now

L to R: Nicole, Gyuri, Seungyeon, Jiyoung, Hara

KARA (DSP) – Not as popular as they should be in Korea but they have had really good overseas success (Japan.) They’re all cute and fun and I think they are talented while other people may not. Their singles have been fun and I am enjoying their comeback efforts (although I’m not a huge fan of the Pandora mini.) Biases: Gyuri and Jyoung; OT5

Fav videos:
Jumping (KOR Ver)
Pandora (Dance ver.)

If you want a mini/CD ask; I like Girl’s Talk

L to R: Sunhwa (vocalist), Hyosung (leader, choreographer), Jieun (main vocalist), Zinger (rapper, choreographer)

Secret (TS) – Not the most popular girl group but I enjoy their fun catchy songs. With their newest comeback they’re a little sexier and edgier and I’m not totally sold on the mini but I love the single. They’ve also done overseas stuff in Japan which I like. My biases: Hyosung, Zinger.


I like Secret Time

New Groups:

L to R: Nara, Yoonjo, Alice, Yooara, Yooyoung, Lime

Hello Venus (Pledis) – They debuted in 2012. They have that cutesy image I was talking about before. But I am in love with their personalities and their mini. I was surprised by how much I took a liking to them. Biases: Lime, Alice; OT6



L to R: Hani, Hyerin, Solji, Junghwa, LE

EXID (AB) – I LOVE THEM. They debuted in 2012 (and have had member changes since then) and their produced by producer Shinsadong Tiger. Their debut song, Whoz that Girl wasn’t bad for me but I didn’t love it but with their comeback with I feel Good I really got into them. They have embarrassing single/mini names like HOLLA and HIppity Hop lol but I really enjoy them. Bias: LE

Whoz That Girl
I Feel Good

Hippity Hop (pw: hippityhop)

L to R: Jei, Linzy, Hyemi, Yezi, Cao Lu, Cheska

FIESTAR (LOEN) – Only one video and a single out and they debuted this year but I’ve kind of become obsessed. Their debut song is so fun and fresh~* to me; it’s interesting and different and I’m so glad I got into them. Biases: Yezi, Linzy; OT6



Other groups I didn’t mention:
9muses (Star) – really fun. Have had some member changes. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Biases: Eunji, Sera, OT9

 No Playboy, Figaro, News, Ticket 

Rainbow – they’re not the best but I think when they have great songs they really do have great songs. Didn’t think I’d end up enjoying them as much as I did. Have had nice success in Japan

Gossip Girl, A, To Me 

Orange Caramel – Sub-group of After School (a group I don’t know much about/care about tbh) with members Lizzy, Nana, and Raina. I actually really love their album and the MV they just put out even though I didn’t pay attention to them before with Magic Girl. It’s more fun and lighthearted  and cute but it’s a fucking jam.



Rania – Very racy~ with their debut which caused a lot of problems and for them to tone it down a lot. Which is kind of sad 😦 They SHOULD be making a comeback soon but it keeps getting pushed back


Dr. Feel Good
Pop Pop Pop

WOW THAT WAS A LOT on 2 boy groups that aren’t as important so:

Seungri, GD, Taeyang, TOP, Daesung

Big Bang (YG) – don’t really like their music until their latest mini. I find most of the members insufferable except my boo TOP. Lots of people like them though. They’ve got less of an innocent image than others and can be seriously embarrassing like a big chunk of the time. But the Alive mini is my jam, ngl.

Bad Boy
Fantastic Baby


I CAN’T FIND A FUCKING PICTURE OF EXO-M HERE HAVE A GIF SET. First: Luhan, 2nd: Lay, 3rd: Tao, 4th: Chen, 5th: Xiumin, 6th: Kris.

Exo-m/exo-k (SM) – They are honestly not for everyone. I think their debut song was honestly not that great but it helped them garner a lot of fans (well it helps that it’s SM.) I love all the members of Exo-m so much while I only care about like three people from Exo-k. I like Exo-m better musically as well (even though they’re the same songs in different languages it just sounds better to me.) Biases: Kris, Lay; OT6 (for exo-k it’s Chanyeol but I like D.O.. And Baekhyun sometimes cos he’s a cutie pie)

Tbh I wouldn’t recommend watching any of their videos buuuuut I’ll just put exo-m’s Mama (tell me why the fuck there’s like a bible verse in the beginning of this shit idek), History, and What Is Love. You can get your exo-k links from youtube tho.

Mini: MAMA (exo-m)

L to R: Hoya, Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Sungjong

Infinite (Woollim) – MY CUTES. I don’t really know how to describe their music? It’s not always upbeat, fun, and catchy. It took me a long time to fully get into them but I’m really glad I did. Their newest comeback efforts have really turned me into a huge fan and I love them so much. Well most of them. Biases: Sungyeol, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya; OT7 (as a group they are cute ok even if some of their members…smh)

Nothing’s Over
Before the Dawn (Dance Ver.)
She’s Back
The Chaser

Mini: Infinitize


Do yourselves a favor and get into this face and STAT.


  1. daniella said:

    Bless this perfect post bc all I care for are ladies.

  2. anon said:

    Rania’s comeback is coming soon, but they’re already performed one of their upcoming songs a few times and it’s awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_kBPz0qYlU

    TYVM for this post, I hadn’t heard of some of these groups and will def check them out!

  3. miwa said:

    omg Amara this entire time I thought you hated SNSD! And I completely agree with this: “If you can’t criticize those who you love…who can you criticize?”. Taeyeon is the worst but I still love her. They will always be my favs because they got me into kpop, but ia they’re not the best. But I can see why they’re the most popular.
    Gonna dl your 4minute zip because I really want to like them. (this is aida/staringelf btw)

  4. Cinna said:

    this post is gr9 and you are gr9

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